Sunday, August 3, 2014

So here it is. Finally I have a courage to put up a blog. Actually I already have, multiple times of creating an account that starts and ends with just that, no entry whatsoever because maybe there wasn't really interesting to post.....until now that I finally found my passion, my addiction, my impulsiveness, the one that keeps me going---or working and that is... to wander and travel the world. It's a shame that I only come across the word 'wanderlust'  just recently. Thanks to the world of Internet, Wi-fi, Instagram, Facebook, K-dramas, the list goes on..that I rarely read any decent novel anymore. Don't get me wrong, I still love books. In fact that will be another blog entry explaining some part of me. Chos! haha..So Traveling is now the top of my list. Who doesn't likes to travel anyway??(hmmm maybe just the packing & unpacking part..haha)..basically this blog is all about my travels,maybe some foods and books review (if i have time!), just to keep all those memories & treasures intact coz fb is too mainstream,haha and hopefully to inspire & help with that impending questions of "how-to-go-there?" & "how-much-is-the-budget?". Enjoy guys!:))

1 comment:

  1. Wandering and travelling the world is really a nice activity. There should some great parking facilities for the people to park their car at a particular place. meet and greet stansted
